Password Policy Violation

  • {{reason}}

Password Expired

Forgot Password

{{ forgotResult.title }}

{{ forgotResult.message }}

{{ forgotResult.reason }}


Forgot password?


The reporting is temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try your request again later.

Profile Options

  • Change Password
  • Sign out
Employees matching this criteria does not exist
  • {{sr.firstName}} {{sr.lastName}} {{sr.prettyNumber}}
  • {{}} ${{sr.spend}}
  • ****Drill Down is disabled as this employee does not have a corporate device managed by Advantix **** Drill Down is disabled as this employee is either inactive, unknown, terminated or has an unknown email address




  • {{error}}

Encouraging Password Reset

  • You win the game of life!
  • Your password has been reset.
  • You are amazing!
Generating PDF...
Explain Tool Icons

What's New in Release 2.0.1

  • Added Billing Period associated with the reporting date.
    • Billing information is available at the footer section of each device
    • If you have any direct reports then you will have to expand the device section to view this information

Mobility Report


While you have successfully logged in it appears you have no devices assigned to your account nor do any direct reports you may have.
If you believe this is in error, please contact Advantix account manager.


Reporting Period: {{repDate | date}}

Employee: {{ currentFocus.fullName }}

Manager: {{ currentFocus.manager.fullName }} {{ currentFocus.manager.fullName }}

{{accountName}} logo

{{accountName}} Mobility Report

Total Spend

{{totalSpend(report.devices) | currency}}


  • YOU
  • {{}}
{{device.totalSpend | currency}} WARNING: Zero usage device
(this reporting period)

{{device.serviceType}}Service Type: {{device.serviceType}}

{{device.prettyNumber + ' - ' +}}


  • Primary Base Cost{{device.primaryBaseCost | currency }}
  • Equipment{{device.newEquipment.spend | currency }}
  • Incidentals{{device.incidentalCharges.spend | currency }}
    • {{detail.label | lowercase}}{{detail.charge | currency}}
  • Usage Charges{{device.usageCharges.spend | currency }}
    • {{detail.label | lowercase}}{{detail.charge | currency}} {{detail.quantity | number}}{{detail.unit}}
  • Features{{device.featureCharges.spend | currency }}
    • {{detail.label | titleCase | trimPlan }}

Upgradeable on {{device.upgradeDate | date}}.

Upgradeability unknown. Provider did not furnish the data.

Billed From {{device. reportDates.billStart| date: 'MM-dd'}} to {{device.reportDates.billEnd| date: 'MM-dd'}}

Updated .

{{device.totalSpend | currency}} WARNING: Zero usage device
(this reporting period)

{{device.model}}Service Type: {{device.serviceType}}

{{device.prettyNumber + ' - ' +}} Managed for: {{device.user.firstName + ' ' + device.user.lastName | titleCase}}


  • Primary Base Cost{{device.primaryBaseCost | currency }}
  • Equipment{{device.newEquipment.spend | currency }}
  • Incidentals{{device.incidentalCharges.spend | currency }}
    • {{detail.label | lowercase}}{{detail.charge | currency}}
  • Usage Charges{{device.usageCharges.spend | currency }}
    • {{detail.label | lowercase}}{{detail.charge | currency}} {{detail.quantity | number}}{{detail.unit}}
  • Features{{device.featureCharges.spend | currency }}
    • {{detail.label | titleCase | trimPlan }}

Upgradeable on {{device.upgradeDate | date}}.

Upgradeability unknown. Provider did not furnish the data.

Billed From {{device. reportDates.billStart| date: 'MM-dd'}} to {{device.reportDates.billEnd| date: 'MM-dd'}}

Updated .


Total cost and standard deviation


{{ | titleCase }} {{pip | currency:"$":0}} {{}} Key

Updated .

{{ employee.user.firstName | titleCase }}'s Data Usage is High

{{ employee.user.firstName | titleCase }} has used {{employee.dataUsed | number}} kilobytes of data. This data usage is significantly higher than normal usage for {{ employee.serviceType }} users at your company. Although this may be due to legitimate business reasons, it may be helpful to review this with your employee. For point of reference this usage is equivalent to:

  • {{report.comparator('4k',employee.dataUsed) | number}} {{report.numberFamily('4k', employee.dataUsed)}} hours of 4K Streaming!
  • {{report.comparator('hd',employee.dataUsed) | number}} {{report.numberFamily('hd', employee.dataUsed)}} Hours of HD Streaming!
  • {{report.comparator('yt',employee.dataUsed) | number}} {{report.numberFamily('yt', employee.dataUsed)}} 5-minute standard definition videos

Total Spend

{{totalSpend(report.employees) | currency}}



Price First Name Last Name


Zero Use Cancelled

{{ (employee.user.firstName + ' ' + employee.user.lastName) | titleCase }} Travelled Internationally {{ employee.user.status }}

This employee has no devices.

This employee has no devices. However, if they have direct reports, you may still drill into them.

Cost Details

  • {{ | titleCase }}{{detail.spend | currency}}

Zero Usage Last Used


{{ employee.serviceType }}


Features no features

Feature Details

  • {{feature.label | titleCase | trimPlan }}

No employees match the selected filters.
